What Are the Top Reasons Seniors Should Downsize When They Retire?

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Why Should Seniors Downsize After Retiring in Des Moines, IA

Downsizing has become a hot topic in the senior community. With even younger adults recognizing the importance of minimizing their environmental footprint, seniors are starting to see that a bigger home isn’t always better. In fact, seniors often stay in a house meant for a large family even after their kids move out. Now that your aging loved one has hit retirement, consider these reasons downsizing is often the best decision to make.

Keep Living Costs Manageable

A bigger house is generally more expensive than a smaller one. The mortgage payments are usually higher for houses with a large layout, and your loved one will also have to pay higher utility costs. For instance, paying to cool a two-bedroom home will be much cheaper compared to cooling one with two stories and many bedrooms. The savings your loved one enjoys after downsizing can be used for other things, such as paying down debts or covering a health need. There are a variety of age-related health conditions that can make it more challenging for seniors to live independently. However, many of the challenges they face can be easier to manage if their families opt for professional home care. Des Moines, Iowa, families can rely on expertly trained caregivers to keep their loved ones safe and comfortable while aging in place.

Make Room for a Caregiver

It seems strange to think that moving to a smaller home would make more room, but it often does. Over the years, seniors often fill the rooms in their home with all kinds of things they accumulate. During the downsizing process, your loved one will have the opportunity to decide if he or she really needs things such as pieces of furniture that never get used. In fact, this is a great time to pass down family heirlooms and donate to charity. Clearing out the clutter leads to more space that can be used if your loved one ever needs assistance from a caregiver. If your aging loved one needs occasional help with bathing, grooming, cooking, or other basic household tasks, or if you need time to attend to important personal matters, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of live-in and respite care. Des Moines seniors can maintain their independence while living at home with the help of our reliable respite caregivers.

Simplify Housekeeping Chores

The upkeep on a larger house typically requires more time and effort. By the time your loved one hits retirement, he or she may have health issues that limit the ability to do things such as clean multiple bedrooms or tackle the outdoor maintenance. Downsizing can involve moving to a smaller apartment where most maintenance is done by the on-site staff. Alternatively, your loved one can move to a small home that has a smaller surface area to clean.

Free Up Time for Hobbies

Downsizing brings freedom for seniors that’s the perfect match for how they feel after retirement. After all, your loved one didn’t work for so many years just to spend his or her time cleaning up a house. Once your loved one downsizes and clears out the clutter, there will be more time to do what he or she wants, such as take a class, eat a daily lunch with a friend, or go on a vacation.

Increase Safety

Your loved one’s current home may also represent a safety risk. Larger houses often have stairs and other features seniors may not be able to navigate safely as they age. When your loved one looks for a new home, you can find a suitable one so he or she can move around the house more easily. A trusted caregiver can help your loved one remain safe and enjoy a higher quality of life while aging in place. If your senior loved one needs professional in-home care in Des Moines, Home Care Assistance is here to help. We are a trusted provider of respite and 24-hour care, and we also offer specialized Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and stroke care for seniors. To schedule a free consultation with one of our friendly Care Managers, call (515) 264-2438 today.


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