8 Easy Things Seniors Can Do to Boost Their Health Instantly

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Things Seniors Can Do to Boost Their Health Instantly in Des Moines, IA

When seniors are feeling lethargic, there are plenty of things they can do to boost energy levels and overall health. Here are eight tips seniors can implement the next time they need an instant health boost.

1. Drink Water

Dehydration has a significant impact on energy levels. Approximately 2 percent dehydration can lead to a 30 percent drop in activity levels. To combat sluggishness, seniors should try drinking a big glass of water. By maintaining a properly hydrated body, seniors may feel healthier, more active, and fully awake. Seniors who want to remain healthy as they age can benefit in a variety of ways when they receive professional home care. Des Moines Home Care Assistance is here to help your loved one accomplish daily tasks, prevent illness, and focus on living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

2. Get 30 Minutes of Exercise

When seniors exercise, they shouldn’t try to work out to the point of exhaustion. Instead, they should perform brisk activities that get their heart rate up and boost the production of dopamine. Seniors can try taking a walk in the park, as a few minutes of sun can provide their daily dose of vitamin D. They can also attend exercise classes at the local senior center, which might range from water aerobics to chair yoga. A bit of exercise can get the blood pumping, increase energy levels, and boost mood.

3. Cut Down on Caffeine

For seniors, drinking too much coffee can interrupt the sleep schedule and lead to dehydration. To avoid the less desirable side effects of coffee, seniors should stick to consuming one cup a day in the morning.

4. Eat a Protein-Filled Snack

Seniors who want to achieve their long-term health goals should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. However, if they need an immediate energy boost, they should find a protein-filled snack. Pumpkin seeds are a good choice, as they contain protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Almonds are also an ideal option because they’re filled with potassium, magnesium, and vitamin E. Seniors should resist the urge to munch on carbohydrates when they’re in the mood for a snack, as carbs can trigger the body’s production of serotonin, which can cause drowsiness. Eating healthy can boost quality of life in the golden years. If you have a senior loved one who needs help maintaining a high quality of life while aging in place, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a leading provider of homecare families can rely on. All of our caregivers are bonded, licensed, and insured, there are no hidden fees, and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts.

5. Meditate

When seniors feel stressed or anxious, they should try meditating. This practice, which promotes deep breathing, mindfulness, and living in the moment, can help seniors stay calm.

6. Sleep Right

When seniors aren’t feeling well during the day, it’s often because they’re not getting enough sleep at night. To enhance sleep habits, seniors should develop a healthy nighttime routine. They should try to go to sleep at the same time every night and stop using electronic devices 30 minutes before bedtime. If sleeping disorders persist, seniors should contact their doctor.

7. Talk to a Friend

Health isn’t just a physical concern. It also has emotional and mental components. When seniors need an emotional boost, they should call a friend or family member. A few minutes of heartfelt conversation can boost a senior’s mood for the rest of the day.

8. Exercise the Mind

To stay sharp, seniors should exercise their minds as well as their bodies. Reading a nonfiction book, doing the daily crossword puzzle, or playing a game of Sudoku can help seniors enhance their brain power. Seniors are sure to feel energized after successfully completing their task. If your loved one needs help maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consider hiring a professional caregiver. For many seniors in Des Moines, IA, live-in care is an essential component of aging in place safely and comfortably. However, it’s important for them to have caregivers they can trust and rely on. At Home Care Assistance, we extensively screen all of our live-in and 24-hour caregivers and only hire those who have experience in the senior home care industry. Our strict requirements ensure seniors can remain in the comfort of home with a reduced risk of injury or serious illness. To learn about our revolutionary senior care methods, get in touch with one of our friendly Care Managers at (515) 264-2438.


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